ETAPCharterLease, a fractional sailing company based in Stamford, Connecticut, is expanding its ocean passages program. Just Us, an Etap 37s, is making a number of short round-trip sails from the southwest Florida location in Punta Gorda, to Key West and the Dry Tortugas. The next scheduled trip is a seven-day sail with two overnight passages in mid-April. Just Us is rated CE class A or “all oceans” and is set up for ocean work. She carries a storm staysail, MOB location equipment, EPIRB, a complete electronic navigation package, and VHF radio and sat-phone communications.
This year, the company’s northbound ocean passage will be sailed in two legs; the first leaves Punta Gorda on May 1, and is set to arrive in Beaufort, North Carolina, on or about May 7. There are only two berths left for this trip. The second leg leaves Beaufort on May 10, and is set to arrive in Stamford on or about May 16, but this leg is full.
For more information, visit the company’s website (www.etapcharterlease.com).