**United States
**o Seattle, Washington: Wind Works Sailing (sail; 206-784-9386, www.windworkssailing.com)
o Bellingham, Washington: Bellhaven Yacht Sales and Charters (sail and power; 360-733-6636, 800-542-8812, www.bellhaven.net); Grand Yachts Northwest (power; 360-676-1248, 800-826-1430, www.grandyachtsnw.com); San Juan Sailing (sail and power; 360-671-4300, 800-670-8089, www.sanjuansailing.com)
o San Juan Island: Charters Northwest (sail and power; 360-378-7196, 800-258-3119, www.chartersnorthwest.com)
o Anacortes, Washington: ABC Yacht Charters (sail and power; 360-293-9533, 800-426-2313, www.abcyachtcharters.com); Anacortes Yacht Charters (sail and power; 800-233-3004, 360-293-4555, www.ayc.com); Ship Harbor Yacht Charters (sail and power; 877-772-6582, 360-299-9193, www.shipharboryachts.com)
o Whidbey Island, Washington: s/v Cutty Sark (360-678-4097, 800-366-4097, www.captainwhidbey.com/cuttysark.html). Depart from Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, and gunkhole the San Juans from inn to inn while you feast on gourmet meals with Capt. John Colby Stone, owner of the Captain Whidbey Inn, aboard his 52-foot ketch.
**o Vancouver, British Columbia: Blue Pacific Yacht Charters (sail and power; 604-682-2161, 800-237-2392, www.bluepacificcharters.ca); Cooper Boating Center (sail and power; 604-687-4110, 888-999-6419, www.cooperboating.com); Sunsail (sail and power; 604-320-7245, 250-758-5985, 866-241-4111, www.sunsail.ca); Tours of Exploration (604-886-7300, 800-690-7887, www.toursexplore.com) offers natural-history sailing expeditions for up to 10 guest crew to the Queen Charlotte Islands and the Inside Passage, off the coast of British Columbia, aboard Duen, a 72-foot gaff-rigged ketch.
o Vancouver Island, Canada: Bluewater Adventures (888-877-1770, 604-980-3800, www.bluewateradventures.ca) offers weeklong voyages for up to 15 guest crew to observe grizzly bears, totems, and orcas aboard Island Roamer, a 68-foot wooden ketch. Bosun’s Charters (sail and power; 800-226-3694, 250-656-6644, www.bosunscharters.com); Desolation Sound Yacht Charters (sail and power; 250-339-7222, 877-647-3815, www.desolationsoundyachtcharters.com); Gulf Islands Cruising School (sail and power; 250-656-2628, 800-665-2628, www.cruising.bc.ca); Island Cruising (sail and power; 250-656-7070, 800-663-5311, www.islandcruising.com); Nanaimo Yacht Charters and Sailing School (sail and power; 250-754-8601, 877-754-8601, www.nanaimo-charters.bc.ca); Vancouver Island Yacht Charters (250-949-0455, 778-688-8875, ww.viyc.com) explores the coast of the Great Bear Rain Forest aboard its 51-foot charter vessel, Dragonsmoke.
Related Resources
B.C. Bareboat Charter Association (604-682-2161, www.bcboatcharter.ca); Pacific Northwest Charter Association (www.pnca.org) E.L.