
Close to the Cup

The Cup comes to Strictly Sail Pacific in Oakland from its current home across the bay in San Francisco as local speculation runs high on the venue for the 34th Americas Cup.

The Cup is on display at Strictly Sail Pacific in Oakland, California.

The Cup is on display at Strictly Sail Pacific in Oakland, California. Mark Pillsbury

BMW Oracle’s newly won Americas Cup trophy drew a steady crowd of visitors on the opening day of the Strictly Sail Pacific sailboat show in Oakland, California. The gleaming silver 100 Guinea Cup was cordoned off in its own pavilion within the show and was guarded over by a security team as videos of the recent cup matches played out on screens around the room. The cup was brought from its current home across the bay in San Francisco as local
speculation runs high on the venue for the 34th Americas Cup. According to bay area sailors, there’s no doubt the next go-round will take place in the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge.

We shall see. Meantime, the show itself got off to a solid start. The early crowds were healthy and a new show layout leant itself to easy access to the many tents and indoors exhibit. Outside, the weather (blue skies, whisps of
white clouds, and light winds) couldn’t have been nicer for visitors strolling the docks.
