Winter Getaways
These charters let you surf, race, dive, and windsurf your way through your sailing vacation
Sail into Liquid
by Dave Reed
Spice of Competition
by Herb McCormick
Total Submersion
by Pierce Hoover
First in Wind
by Eddy Patricelli
The Year of Momentous Decisions
The solo circumnavigator reprises her voyage of self-discovery, this time with her sons
by Tania Aebi
Treasures of the Philippines
From limestone formations to dripping jungle, a return to the Philippines presents this crew with countless splendors
by Tere Batham
Sailing Past the Cliffs of Time
A sojourn along the Niagara Escarpment reminds cruisers of the origins of the Great Lakes seascape
by Fred Bagley
Dhows live on, MIT’s boat brainiac, NOAA’s 200th, BOTY nominees, and more
edited by Elaine Lembo
On Watch
An Alaskan who’d never seen the ocean ends up a sailor
Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
Short Story
The cruising will go on, but the means of conveyance will change
by Melanie Neale
Point of View
A daunting passage bestows new confidence on a cruising family
by Leon Schulz
Cruising Connections
Women describe the various ways that they filled their banks of cruising knowledge
by Amanda Swan Neal
Passage Notes
An annual regatta for classic yachts attracts all manner of cruising brethren to New Zealand
by Herb McCormick
Makeovers & Refits
A smaller table in the saloon allows owners to enjoy entertaining aboard their cutter
by Bernadette Bernon
People & Food
A cruising flotilla and its mascot find that a Christmas pie proves irresistible–for entirely different reasons
by Geraldine Foley
Osprey’s Flight
Mechanical mysteries beg a commitment akin to church vows
by Wendy Mitman Clarke
Learn to Read Those Tropical Squalls
Seamanship: Study the clouds, then position your boat as they approach
by Evans Starzinger
Get Weather Info at Sea
Forecasting: Download GRIB files while sailing to take the mystery out of advancing systems
by Evans Starzinger
Don’t Freeze Up This Winter
Monthly Maintenance: Get fluids out of the tanks before the cold sets in
by Steve D’Antonio
A Man Must Set His Limits
Backyard Warrior: The layup mix for this California boat includes some roughage
by Ben Zartman
Hunter 45 DS: Capable and Comfortable
Boat Review: Better performance and easier sailing are trademarks of Hunter’s third deck-saloon model
by John Burnham
Broadblue 386: True to Color
Boat Review: This sturdy catamaran can be rigged for coastal or open-ocean sailing
by Dave Reed
Enduringly Elegant
Classic Plastic: The Ericson 30 is a racer/cruiser–and a good platform for learning, too.
by Vincent McGowan
A Darned Nice Dinghy
Holiday Gift Guide: A vintage-style dinghy enjoys a revival, microfiber cloths keep eyewear clean, keep good form with these rowing oars, a Meritage called The Mariner, a new cushion for crew backs, and more
by Andrew Burton
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