Remembering Vietnam in May
A bareboat charter along the central coast here is the simple part; what it calls to mind is far more complex
by Bernadette Bernon
The Defense Rests
A litigator and his wife commit to the cruising dream and find the adventure of a lifetime in dozens of countries
by Jeff Brooke
Make Time for a Shetlands Stopover
A North Atlantic archipelago and its little known sheltered anchorages win the hears of a couple en route to Maine
by Phyllis Nickel
Precautions in Paradise
Word of mouth and vigilant record keeping have helped slow a worrisome crime trend
by Herb McCormick
Melting ice, a soloist’s saga, cruising woes in Ecuador, Moby-Dick marathon, good books, and more
edited by Elaine Lembo
On Watch
There’s no better way to win over locals than by becoming emissaries of electro-bits
by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
Letter from Aventura
From the cockpit, a slice of daily life in Venice, city of canals, affords a unique perspective
by Jimmy Cornell
Point of View
Advice to pare down causes a crew to poke fun at sailing purists
by Malcolm Holt
Cruising Connections
A holiday spent in a remote anchorage isn’t what they wanted, until the spirit moved them
by Beth A. Leonard
Passage Notes
Stints aboard Spirit of Bermuda grant at-risk island kids a new attitude
by Lynn Fitzpatrick
People & Food
A cooking hint picked up while cruising the South Pacific works back home, too
by Janna Cawrse
Osprey’s Flight
The art of cruising is at odds with our urge to quantify and compete
by Wendy Mitman Clarke
Boat of the Year Awards
Performance on the water, quality from the yard, and price at the dock are all factors when it comes time to pick the winners
by Mark Pillsbury
A New Boat for Every Buyer
In addition to the Boat of the Year winners above, Cruising World boat reviewers have test-sailed nearly 30 new boats this year. In this section, you’ll find short reviews of 18 new models plus links to 11 more at our website
by the editors
A Voyager’s Guide to Spare Parts
Seamanship: Amid oceans of technology there’s still room for backups and know-how
by Alvah Simon
I’ve Got to Fix What?
Projects: If the smell doesn’t get you first, the broken valve will; so to the head you go, bolstered by these tips
by Mark Pillsbury
Service Your Stuffing Box
Monthly Maintenance: Keep the propeller turning by maintaining this vital component of your boat’s propulsion system
by Steve D’Antonio
Editor’s Log
Chartering News
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