Sailing into the Midnight Sun
Three longtime friends reunite for an excusion first to the northern reaches of the VBlatic Sea, then to Santa’s workshop
by Meryle Thomson
Special Edition
Catamarans 2009
On the docks, at boat show, and over cocktails at anchor, sailors recount in this special section how they got hooked on multihulls
Cats Make Them Curious
by Mark Pillsbury
A Guide to Builders
Catamarans by the Numbers
A Couple’s Guide to Boat Shopping
by Kathy Silver
A Tale of Two Cats
Herb McCormick
Multihulls Play in the Caribbean
by Harriet Linskey
Taking the Plunge
William Fitzgerald
An Ambitious Learning Curve
by Arnie Chestnut
Shoreline edited by Elaine Lembo
On Watch by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
Point of View by Janna Cawrese Esarey
Sailing Life
People and Food by Susan Detwiler
Passage Notes by Harriet Linskey
Osprey’s Flight by Wendy Mitman Clake
Into the Nitty-Gritty of NMEA 2000
Electronics: The connectivity of information devices relies on proper networking
by Ben Ellison
Moxie M37 Island Hopper
Boat Review: Sailing is the main order of business aboard this light multihull
by Jeremy McGeary
Freeport 41
Classic Plastic: The island-bound find favor with this ketch’s full keel and stowage
by Steven Ellsworth
Blocks for Boats
New Products: We round up blocks that attach via line instead of metal
by Andrew Burton
Hands-On Sailor
Overhaul Your Winches
Projects: Rags, cleanrer, lube, and half an hour of your time are primarily what it takes
by Andrew Burton
Time to Replace That Tank?
Upgrades: Find one whose material and manufacture are suited to the contents
by Steve D’Antonio
Cool Tools for Odd Jobs
Seamanship: On land, these items might live in the medicine cabinet or the kitchen
by R.J. Rubadeau
A Quick Fix for Chafed Lines
Repairs: Use heat-shrinking tubing to solve this problem offshore
by Jack Morton
Editor’s Log
Chartering News
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