DeLorme InReach SE
Beginning March 10, 2014, DeLorme will offer a new contract-free satellite subscription plan for its inReach product line of handheld satellite messengers. The flexible Freedom Plan will allow subscribers to pay for inReach satellite service only when they need it on a monthly basis. In addition, they can suspend service when not in use and still retain access to their data, such as messages and tracks from previous trips, then reactivate the service plan when needed. A minimum 30-day commitment is required.
DeLorme’s Freedom Plan will make the inReach products more affordable for boaters who only use their inReach on an intermittent basis. Service fees for the new plan will start at $14.95 per month for the safety service. Subscribers with year-round requirements can still sign up for a traditional yearly plan at lower monthly rates. The new contract-free plans are expected to make inReach more accessible and convenient for an entirely new segment of the marine market.
Introduced in June 2013, DeLorme’s inReach SE is the first and only two-way handheld satellite messenger with a built-in bright, high-resolution screen. Users can exchange 160-character text messages back and forth with any cell number or email address using the screen and virtual keyboard with predictive text – even when it’s not paired with a smartphone or tablet. In addition to text messaging, inReach SE provides remote GPS tracking and interactive SOS distress alerting. It uses the Iridium satellite network for 100 percent global coverage without any black-out zones or fringe areas.
Built to last in the marine environment, the rugged, award-winning inReach SE is waterproof, dustproof and impact resistant. It includes a color screen, virtual keyboard, slim design and long-lasting internal battery with 100 hours of life between charges. inReach SE also pairs with popular smartphones and tablets to access topographic maps from DeLorme and NOAA charts.
The Freedom Plan applies to the original inReach products as well as the second-generation inReach SE.