These three articles will help you prepare hurricane season.
How To Prepare Your Boat for a Storm by Ed Eisenberger
“If you’re planning to move your boat prior to a hurricane, take the boat there on a trial run, noting how long it takes as well as any problems you might encounter under actual emergency conditions. Are there any bridges? Many communities require drawbridges to be “locked down” when a hurricane watch is issued. During Hurricane Andrew, many boat owners were prevented from moving their boats to more protected locations because bridges were locked down.”
Learning From Ike by Maarten Van Hasselt
“The most complicated part of my preparations was figuring out how the mooring situation would change with the predicted 14-foot storm surge and 80-knot winds, which would be shifting from north to south as the hurricane passed. We adjusted our existing mooring lines so they could move freely up the pilings without floating off the tops at high water. We also attached long lines to distant anchor points: a sturdy bush and the bulwark of the breakwater. We tried to distribute the load of the lines between deck cleats, windlass, primary winches, and mast.”
Now Here Are Some Real “Storm Stories” by Herb McCormick
“When it blows 200 miles per hour, nothing sticks…not even duct tape,” said Randy D. West of his wild ride during Luis. “When it blows like that you’re in hell blazes. Keep your head down, son, because dogs will be flying by.”