It may be true that every picture tells a story, but every picture doesn’t necessarily tell the same story to every viewer. Take, for instance, the reaction of CW associate editor Kitty Martin to the photograph “Rather Be Sailing,” submitted to our June contest by mwatson. The photo shows a young girl standing on a beach, looking towards the water where a sailboat is passing. If the photo’s title is any clue, one might reason that the girl is staring longingly at the boat because she would rather be sailing.
Kitty has a different interpretation: “The little girl seems to have been left behind on the beach as the family’s boat sails away in the distance. But the tilt of her head and the body language make me wonder if she is sad or relieved to have been left behind.”
We’d like to think that the girl in the photo is not, in fact, a newly abandoned orphan. But we also understand that cruising with children can be a trying experience, one that might inspire the urge to maroon said children on a desert island. Whatever the case, “Rather Be Sailing” invites a wide range of interpretations, which is why the judges chose the photo as this month’s winner.
Congratulations, mwatson, and thanks to everyone who contributed photos!
The judging panel included Kitty, web assistant Marianne Groszko, designer Elizabeth Wishe, editorial assistant Sue Fennessey, and online business analyst Lisa Julius.
(Click each image to view at full size)
First Place

Contributor: mwatson
Title: “Rather Be Sailing”
mwatson’s Description: “Playing on the beach while a sailboat drifts by.”
Judge’s Comments:
“I like this one because it’s nicely composed. ” – Marianne Groszko
“This one really caught my eye because the little girl seems to have been left behind on the beach as the family’s boat sails away in the distance. But the tilt of her head and the body language made me wonder if she was sad or relieved to have been left behind.” – Kitty Martin
Second Place

Contributor: stationr
Title: “The Bat Cave on Compass Cay”
stationr’s Description: “Compass Cay, a wonderful stop in the Exumas, has many miles of hiking trails. The “Bat Cave” is a highlight, and yes, there is indeed a very large bat hanging from the ceiling! (However, it’s not the kind you expect.)”
Judge’s Comments:
“I like this photo because it’s framed beautifully and it’s a bit eerie, as the name implies.” -Kitty Martin
Third Place

Contributor: mwatson
Title: “Friday Morning”
mwatson’s Description: “This sunrise greeted me as I left the boat to go to work. It’s nice to be stopped in your tracks by nature’s beauty.”
Judge’s Comments: “This photo appealed to me as the sort of scene that cruisers are likely to see more often than landlubbers! Beautiful and peaceful.” -Sue Fennessey
“You can almost feel the mist rising up from the water and collecting indroplets on the boat.” -Lisa Julius
To view all entries to the June photo contest, click here
To enter the current photo contest, click here.