A new tool for surveyors, home waters in distress, catch up with the Cup from home, inspired solo sailor Donna Lange, good books, and more
edited by Elaine Lembo
Going with Your Strengths
On Watch by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
Tunisian Sojourn
Letter from Aventura by Jimmy Cornell
For cruisers, Tunisia is a Mediterranean boon without the hefty fees
The Tall-Ship Ride of His Life
Under Way by Don Cuddy
Taking the helm of a three-masted windjammer in the chaos of an Atlantic gale brings a sense of peace to one Irishman.
A Slip at What Price in the Sunshine State?
Special Report by Melanie Neale
Florida’s waterfront development decreases dockage options for full-time cruisers
Hooked on Circumnavigation
Passage Notes by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
These sailors can’t help themselves, so they keep on sailing round and round the world
A Warm Spanish Welcome
People and Food by Geraldine Foley
Heartwarming and good for the soul, this sausage stew smoothes over a rough harbor landing
The Life Harness
Log of Ithaka by Bernadette Bernon
The impending return of a life harness to the son of a deceased sailor calls up bittersweet memories
A Pilgrimage Down East
At first they didn’t get the fog and rocks, but now the promise of the Maine coast keeps a cruising couple coming back for more
by Tom Linskey
Five Favorite Harbors in Maine
With hundreds of islands and coves calling your name, you won’t want to miss these spots when you cruise the vacation state
by Gary Jobson
Rewards of the Straits
A leisurely sojourn through Turkish waters, at the dividing line of Europe and Asia, introduces the crew to natural and cultural crossroads of sights, sounds, and scents
by Liza Copeland
South to the Horn
Yacht Style by Robert Rubadeau
In Part I of this three-part series, the crewmembers of Homefree, a Morris 51, make initial progress toward a goal that’s been their obsession for more than a year
Mangroves Are Your Mates
Seamanship by Don Street
The eastern Caribbean in hurricane season isn’t too crowded–if you know where to look
Hurricane Season on the Hard
Hauling Out by Mark Pillsbury
Some Caribbean yards are upgrading haulout facilities so sailboats can summer over in the islands
A Chain Pendant Saves the Day
Boathandling by Tom Linskey
Metal-to-metal contact helps your mooring gear weather a blow sans chafe
Keep It Clean
Monthly Maintenance by Steve D’Antonio
To avoid fuel contamination, two filters are better than one
Far Harbour 39: Thinking Inside the Box
Boat Test by Andrew Burton
Bob Perry has created a cruiser that reaches well beyond the container-sized boundaries of the design brief
Well Found and Family Friendly
Classic Plastic by Stacey Collins
With successful use in both the charter trade and as a liveaboard, the sturdy Mariner 39 endures
AIS Delivers News You’ll Use
Electronics by Tony Bessinger
As cruising sailors come to understand the Automatic Identification System– mandatory gear aboard big ships– they’ll recognize it as a source of valuable information under way
Keep Your Radar on the Level
New Products by Andrew Burton
A self-leveling radar mount helps navigators to read the right blips, bifocal polarized sunglasses allow sailors to see straight, a stainless-steel barbecue withstands rust, and more
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