Foster Fanning could be the poster child for the CW community. His Logbook is jam-packed with forum posts, photos, a video, Port Experiences, recipes–brief history of the oyster, anyone?–and some hilariously self-depracating Log Entries.
Members of our PG audience might shy away from Foster’s poem, “Saga of the Wooodwind Rock,” which posits the burly 56-year-old dangling off a bow in his tighty whities, but the whole family should get a good laugh out of his Log Entry, “Why Would I Ever Tell This Story?” The entry relates a comic consequence that occurred when this seasoned cruiser entered a windward-leeward race with an 18-pound anchor on the bow of his S-2 9.2C Aquila.
To read the Log Entry, click here.
To visit Foster Fanning’s Logbook, click here.