Nectar of the Gods
On Watch by Steve Callahan
The sailor as “city manager”–allocating resources from plumbing to electrical to financial–sees the world in a clean new way
Pit Stop After 50,000 Miles
Letter from Aventura by Jimmy Cornell
Hardly showing signs of age, Aventura III pauses for a New Zealand refit while her owner sings of her deeds accomplished
The Dying Havana Daydream
Under Way by Morgan Stinemetz
On a spring trip across the Straits of Florida, a longtime visitor to Cuba finds something missing: other sailors
Cruisers Are a Breed Apart
Passage Notes by Barbara Gail Warden
She’d sailed all her life, but not until setting out for parts unknown did she realize how tight and wonderful the cruising community really is
The Case for Slow Motion
Log of Ithaka by Douglas Bernon
During a fogbound light-air passage across the Gulf of Maine, a question: Why all the racing to cross the finish line first?
Irresistible Lure
by Tom Zydler
For this migratory sailor, an autumn landfall at Nantucket casts the seemingly familiar “Cape and Islands” in a crisp new light
Spellbound by the Sea of Cortez
by Tom and Vicky Jackson
By road or by sea, North American sailors in search of endless summer travel each fall to Mexico’s Baja peninsula
Spontaneity Unchained
Yacht Style by Nim Marsh
The ends of the earth are what one man imagined when he commissioned the 85-foot pilothouse cutter Adjutor; that she’d crack 17 knots getting there was frosting on the cake
Hands-On Sailor
Thinking Outside of the Net
Seamanship by Scott and Wendy Bannerot
Knowing the lights and shapes of offshore fishing rigs will keep you from becoming ensnared in somebody else’s business
The Cape of Good Hope: the Reluctant Way
Voyaging by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
They’d planned to circle the globe along the gentle trade-wind routes; what they hadn’t planned on was a war in the Middle East
Westward to the Caribbean
Routing by Don Street
From the British Isles to the Spice Isles, the dean of Atlantic-passage planning shares his thoughts
Simple Is as Simple Does
Living Aboard by Laura Hacker-Durbin
After 12 years of voyaging, they’ve learned a thing or two about what they want and what they need
Treating Marine-Environment Wounds
Health Under Way by David Farnie, M.D.
The risk of infection dramatically increases around salt water, so you’ll want a clear plan to care for injuries
More Than What Meets the Eye
Chart Plotters by Ed Sherman
We tested today’s leading chart plotters to find the brightest units in direct sunlight, the most complete list of useful features, and the simplest software to master
Maximizing Milliamps
Electronics by Ed Sherman
A look at the latest electronics gear highlights advances in autopilots, onboard charging, and more. By the way: Wireless is here
Visions of Grandeur
Boat Review by Tim Murphy and Jeremy McGeary
The Privilege 585 sets the luxury standard among production catamarans for cruising or for charter
Swift and Svelte
Boat Review by Jeremy McGeary
From the former East Germany comes the Hanse 531, a cleanly designed Judel/Vrolijk sloop for the performance-minded sailor
A Little Bit Big, A Little Bit Small
Classic Plastic by Roger Howell
Too big to trailer and too small to cross oceans, the Bruce King-designed Ericson 25 still proves a fine interim family boat
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