Response to Cruising World’s first monthly photo competition was exceptional, with over 75 entries from community members scattered throughout the globe. The judging panel included director of design Bill Roche, assistant art director Shannon Tumino, designer Elizabeth Wishe, online producer Pete Matchett, and online business analyst Lisa Julius. Out of so many colorful contributions, the judges settled upon the following favorites:
First Prize
Photo: “Rigged for Heavy Weather, Lake Ontario”
Contributor: AlanLenarduzzi

Judges’ comments:
“I always like shots with people in them, and I really like the action in this photo. The general rule is to level the horizon, but in certain instances with rough seas or stormy weather, showing the heel can add to the photo. The angle is definitely part of the reason I like this one, the colors, too. The whole photo comes together very nicely. The colors are good, not overexposed. It’s just a nice photo.”
-Shannon Tumino
Photographer’s comments:
“I really like this photo for a personal reason. My wife is a late comer to sailing while I have had the addiction to it most of my life. For me the photo is about a lady who was not overly sports minded but was an outdoors person. This photo was taken in the middle afternoon after a long night bouncing around in the dark, wind and spray tryiing to stay out of the shipping lanes. We were very tired and headed for Coburg Onatrio. My wife was tired too but rose to the challenge during the night to take a watch at times and even steer. I was quite proud of her and her achievement.”
-Alan Lenarduzzi
Second Prize
Photo: “Sunrise After a Long Race”
Contributor: skippered

Judges’ comments:
“It’s a flash photo, and I like the effect because it lights up the front of the boat. There’s a nice contrast between the white boat, the dark sea, and the warm sky. It’s also taken from a nice angle, so it all works. The light may be a bit harsh; it could be softened a little. But because the rest of the hues are more muted, the white has that eye-catching effect. And the sky is just beautiful.”
-Elizabeth Wishe
Third Prize
Photo: “Early September Morning Leaving the Lovely Wye River”
Contributor: Impulse

Judges’ comments
Shannon Tumino:
“Out of all the scenic shots, I think this one’s the most beautiful. It’s sharp and crisp and it just has this beautiful feeling to it– such an engaging photo.’
Honorable Mention:
Photo: “Swimming Fool”
Contributor: onthewater

Several of the judges nominated this photo, which captures a cruising canine in mid leap. Unfortunately, the entry was submitted by Cruising World sales representative David Gillespie. Sorry, Dave, but we can’t let you hijack this contest with your preternatural artistic abilities.
Thanks to everyone who participated.
To view all the winners in the Photo Contest Archive, click here.
To enter the current Photo contest, click here.