We’ve Struck It “Rich”
On Watch by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
Of all the reasons that stand between you and your cruising dreams, don’t let a simple lack of “freedom chips” be one of them
Whales’ Tales and Lessons
Letter from Aventura by Jimmy Cornell
The humpbacks in Tonga navigate by an inborn instinct, but we humans are still better off relying on such surefire redundancies as paper charts
A Convert, by Magic
Under Way by Diane K. Stuemer
If at first she was a reluctant mate, her enthusiasm for cruising eventually overflowed the banks of her natural life
Clobbered by Claudette
Passage Notes by Sharon Langton Ragle
Last July, cruisers all along the Texas coast hunkered down when Hurricane Claudette came a-calling
A Sweet Reward
People and Food by Ulla Norlander
Crossing the Southern Ocean from New Zealand to Chile was hard going; recipes like this one for Andy’s Granny’s Pudding often made the day
Houston, We Have a Problem
Log of Ithaka by Bernadette Bernon
A gushing stern tube and an approaching storm are the stuff of everyday cruising decisions
The Summer We Saved Christmas
Seamanship by Thomas Young
A grounding on a rocky Maine ledge might have spelled the end for this 1961 Alden Challenger yawl, but quick thinking saved the day
Say Good-bye to Through-Hull Worries
Plumbing by Steve D’Antonio
Knowing that every seacock below your boat’s waterline is in sound working order is one of the cornerstones of good seamanship
A Pushy Alternative
Boathandling by Ashley Butler
Sailing engineless–whether by choice or by chance–may mean pressing the dink into service
Savoring the Great East Coast Milk Run
Voyaging by Angus Phillips
One dad’s love of the sail between Annapolis and Newport drove both of his kids into the hills
Clarity Penetrates Bureaucracy’s Fog
Cruising Europe by William Storandt
A letter from France saying “Get your boat out of the country, or else” marked this sailor’s entry into the labyrinth that is European tax law
Bargain or Bomb?
Fitting Out by Dave and Jaja Martin
While buying pre-owned gear can sometimes be a great way to save money, beware of the items you can’t fully inspect
Second Thoughts on the Ideal Cruising Boat
by Tim Murphy
Long-term Caribbean cruisers gather to talk about what they’d do differently if they had it to do all over again
In Iskra’s Wake
by Thies Matzen
Heroes like Irving Johnson and the Hiscocks had shaped his life, and so had Frank Mulville, as a recent voyage to Buenos Aires underscored
Castling the King
by Ida Little
The cruising life is often full of strange twists, and their shipwreck in the Bahamas showed them that dire causes can sometimes lead to idyllic effects
Sensible and Sweet
Boat Test by Alvah Simon
Winner of CW’s 2004 award for Best Deluxe Cruising Boat, the Discovery 55 is as substantial as she is stylish
J Is for Juice
Boat Review by Ralph Naranjo
The J/133 is a resin-infused speedster and the winner of CW’s award for Best Performance Cruising Boat
All Business on All Oceans
Classic Plastic by Barbara Marrett
The 27-foot Albin Vega–of which some 3,000 were built between 1966 and 1978–was an updated rendering of the classic Swedish skerry cruiser
Safe and Sound
New Products by Jeremy McGeary
Wind meters, boarding ladders, signal horns, and safes are among this month’s items on display
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