A limited-edition keepsake, Thanksgiving in Colombia, and more
edited by Elaine Lembo
Letter from Aventura
A squall in a Croatian port rains black humor down upon a landbound crew
by Jimmy Cornell
On Watch
They’d gone 100,000 miles without deploying the sea anchor–but now it was time
by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
Sailor Profile
A Chilean river town near the Roaring 40s is a boatbuilder’s dream come true
by Elaine Lembo
Makeovers & Refits
A young couple uses traditional materials to transform a cruising dream into reality
by Kylie Deacon
Cruising Connections
Even among cruisers, the high-latitude family of four might be considered unorthodox
by Bernadette Bernon
Passage Notes
Sailors who compete in the Leukemia Cup are bound by far more than sport
by Gary Jobson
Osprey’s Flight
In the frazzled days before shoving off, the story of the shaman keeps the crew together
by Wendy Mitman Clarke
Builders Who Race
Yacht Style: Meet five boatbulders cut from the same competitive cloth
by Herb McCormick
Promise of the Mediterranean
Arriving from the West
Past Gibraltar lies the paradox of an ancient crossroads with modern-day appeal
by Jim Carrier
From the Red to the Med
A Suez Canal transit saves you wear and tear
by Dan Sehnal
An Aegean Circle
A logbook charts Greek islands group by group
by Dan Sehnal with Lynda Morris Childress
Wintering Over in the Med
Slip stays afford cruisers a great cultural exchange
by Suzanne Giesemann
Beyond the E.U. Borders
Where to cruise outside the European Union
by Jimmy Cornell
Communications Are Critical for Rescue
Safety at Sea: An angry whale brings an abrupt course change for sailors on a Pacific delivery
by Nick Barran
Prepare for Emergencies Before You Shove Off
Safety at Sea: A storm off Australia presents surprises, even for this veteran crew
by Lin Pardey
Plan Ahead for the Med
Voyaging: From mooring practices to clearing in, it pays to do your homework
by Joe Minick
Winterize Your Batteries, Then Chill
Monthly Maintenance: Charge them fully before you put them in cold storage
by Steve D’Antonio
Choices in Watermakers
Gear Roundup: Whether generator powered of hand pumped, they all produce life’s elixir
by Andrew Burton
Pearson 303: A Second-Generation 30-Footer
Classic Plastic: This Bill Shaw design remains a versatile family cruiser with a big-boat feel
by Bob Reeve
Home In on Lost Crew
Safety at Sea: A rundown of personal locator beacons will help you decide which ones best suit your onboard safety needs
by Tony Bessinger
Put a Husky to Work
New Products: Handle the elements with an Arched Awning, a 4 Color Recon Torch, and more
by Andrew Burton
Editor’s Log
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