Vic-Maui 2012
The Royal Vancouver Yacht Club and the Lahaina Yacht Club are pleased to announce the 2012 Vic-Maui International Yacht Race. The 23rd edition of this ocean racing classic will start from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The start dates for the 2012 Vic-Maui race have been set: the cruising division will start on July 5 and the racing division classes will start on July 7. The yachts will attempt to follow the great-circle route and finish near historic Lahaina, Maui, Hawai’i, at least 2,308 nautical miles later.
The Vic-Maui challenges navigators to demonstrate their weather-routing skills as understanding the weather is critical when making decisions about navigating out of the Straits of Juan De Fuca and then along the Washington, Oregon, and Northern California coasts to get into the trade winds. Success depends on the navigators’ skill in predicting where the Pacific High Pressure zone will be.
The 2012 race will boast 14 entries representing a 50% increase from the 2008 and 2010 races. Ten of these boats are entered in the racing division and four are entered into the new cruising division. Nine of the entries are Canadian and five are American. The boats range in length from 35 to 50 feet.
The first Vic-Maui race, sailed in 1965, was the dream of RVYC member Jim Innes who spoke incessantly about the idea of a race originating in Victoria and ending Maui. Jim persuaded three other RVYC members to make the first race and upon arrival some 15 days later on Maui met with what became the founders of the Lahaina Yacht Club. The two clubs joined forces and sponsored the first official race in 1968 with 14 entries. The current record holder for the race is Grand Illusion skippered by James McDowell of the Lahaina Yacht Club who completed the race in 9 days, 2 hours, and 8 minutes.
Upon arrival on Maui, racers and their friends and families will be greeted by dockside celebrations, a Waiting Wahine Luncheon, and an Awards Banquet on July 28, hosted by members of the Lahaina Yacht Club.
Please Direct All Inquiries to: Bob Graybosch, Vic-Maui Publications Chairman, Lahaina Yacht Club bobgraybosch@gmail.com 808-268-5770