
Mounting the Monitor

This accomodating mount adapts to a different transom designs and allows access to the swim ladder as well. From "New Products" in our September 2009 issue

368 monitor

Courtesy Of The Manufacturer

Back in the day when boats had more traditional transoms, mounting a self-steering windvane was usually just a matter of bolting on the unit. But as boat designs have evolved and transoms have been cut out to accommodate swim platforms and boarding ladders, finding a suitable way to mount a self-steering windvane required some less-than-favorable compromises, such as losing access to the swim ladder or being forced to mount the self-steering systems off center. So the folks at Scanmar, who’ve been building self-steering systems for over 30 years, designed and modified their Swing-Gate mounting system so that any self-steering system can be mounted easily and effectively on boats with sugar-scoop transoms as well as on all those boats that have reverse transoms and central boarding ladders. The result is a sturdy system that’s up to the loads that windvanes encounter, has a frame that can be opened to allow swim-ladder access, and can be completely removed in minutes.
$2,300, (510) 215-2010,
