The winner of CW‘s April photo contest is community member Ralph, who must have felt like a tropical Moses when he snapped this image of Venezuela’s Los Roques islands.bodyIt’s getting harder and harder to win CW‘s monthly photo contests. In recent months, judges have browsed so many beautiful photographs, they’re beginning to take stunning sunsets and idyllic islands for granted. This month’s winning photograph, “Los Roques,” by community member Roger, delivered the resplendent visuals the judges have come to expect–turquoise water, white beach, blue sky–with a compositional twist. In the photo, a long spit of sand divides two patches of water, giving the viewer the sensation of being at the precise point at which two vast seas divide. If Moses had plied the tropics, maybe this is what he would have seen.
This month’s judges included senior editor Mark Pillsbury, associate editor Kitty Martin, designer Elizabeth Wishe, online business analyst Lisa Julius, and online producer Pete Matchett. Congratulations to the winners, and keep the photos coming!
(Click each image to view at full size)
First Place

Contributor: Ralph
Title: “Los Roques Islands”
Judge’s Comments:
“I could look at this image for hours.has the feeling of the seas parting just for you” – Elizabeth Wishe
Second Place

Contributor: Rhonda Byrd
Title: “A Classic Beauty”
Rhonda Byrd’s Description: “The beautifully restored yacht named Seminole as seen sailing out of Shroud Cay, Exuma, February 2006.”
Judge’s Comments: “An excellent example of all that is beautiful aboutsailing–crisp white sails, blue water, and clear skies.” -Lisa Julius
Third Place

Contributor: stationr
Title: “Quiet Anchorage on the TennTom”
stationr’s Description: “It’s not just a shortcut to the Gulf of Mexico–the TennTom Waterway is a cruising destination in its own right.”
Judge’s Comments: “I like how the mist floats over the calm water and the ray of sunlight through thetrees.” -Kitty Martin
To view all entries to the April photo contest, click here.
To enter the current photo contest, click here.