Sunsail catamaran
If becoming certified to bareboat charter while palm trees sway in the background appeals to you, consider signing on with Cruise Abaco (www.cruiseabaco.com) in the Bahamas when you’re seeking instruction. The charter company runs a sailing school sanctioned by the American Sailing Association to teach its curriculum and certify students to charter and cruise.
Also, R&R Charters and Sail School on Kent Narrows, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, was named an outstanding sailing school in 2010 by the American Sailing Association.
“We’re very pleased that from among the hundreds of schools worldwide, the American Sailing Association has recognized R&R Charters and Sail School for its excellence in teaching,” said captains Dave Renoll and Penny Renoll, the owner/operators. “We strive to provide our students with the very best professional training and education, and it’s always great to receive recognition for one’s efforts.” For details, contact the company (www.randrchartersandsailschool.net).
A Sailing Club Forms in Chicago
Broad Reach Sailing, based in Chicago, has formed a new division, Close Reach Sailing Club. Membership is $1,000 for the season, which includes unlimited club sailing, dock parties, and special events to a maximum roster of 50 individuals, affording everyone time on the water. The club covers maintenance and storage costs and provides training for less-experienced sailors. For details, log on to the website (www.closereachsailing.com).
Sunsail Adds a Cat and Upgrades Its Website
Sunsail launched its 444 catamaran at the Strictly Sail Miami boat show in Florida in February. The boat features a covered cockpit forward, which is accessible from the main saloon and gives sailors more space for socializing and relaxing; it also draws cooling breezes into the interior. All cabins feature en-suite showers with separate heads. With narrow hulls below the waterline and shallow drafts, the 444 is able to sail as close to the wind as many a monohull. A 360-degree helm station gives complete control from one place, and all electronic navigation aids come standard. Air-conditioning is available, as are solar panels, which offer added battery life.
In other news from Sunsail, the company has revamped its website, upgrading search tools to help charter clients easily locate boats and destinations, set itineraries, and determine rates. Among an array of charter services, the company offers team building, organization of corporate sailing events, and match racing via a new fleet of identical Sunsail F40s in the United Kingdom. Log on to the company website (www.sunsail.com) for details.
Crewed Yacht Offers Summer Schedule
The Dove, a 1988 Crealock design that’s operated by owner, captain, and chef Larry Tyler, will remain in the Caribbean for the summer of 2011, offering limited charter slots. The boat best accommodates four guests in two cabins. For details, consult the Broker category in the CW Charter Directory.