Cruisers’ Workshops provide attendees with a turbo-charged learning environment, in a marine industry setting. Led by ABYC Master Technician, technical journalist, lecturer and marine industry consultant Steve D’Antonio, and assisted by ocean voyager, former Vanderstar Chair at the U. S. Naval Academy and author of The Art of Seamanship Ralph Naranjo, and hosted by NW Explorations, attendees will receive the highest quality instruction in a variety of technical and cruising subjects.
The workshop will take place on October 20-21, 2018 at NW Explorations facilities in picturesque Bellingham, WA. It includes formal presentations as well as hands-on mechanical and electrical training and demonstrations, in shop and classroom settings. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own digital multimeters.
Multi-track subjects include Diesel Engine Service and Troubleshooting; Weather for Mariners; Avoiding Common Systems Failures; Navigation Technique; Multimeter Use; Vessel Selection; Fuel System Design, Installation and Failure Avoidance; Safety Underway; Oil Analysis, and Cruise Planning
Please contact katie@stevedmarineconsulting.com or call 804-776-0981 for additional information or to register, or visit the event’s webpage.