It is with great pride that I announce the publication of a new book that I and one of my good friends and longtime editors Tim Murphy have just published through the ABYC. This whole project came about as part of a grant from the Kathy and Jerry Woods foundation and has been on-going for several years now. For those of you not familiar with Kathy and Jerry, they were the founders of the Annapolis Boat Shows and the Annapolis Sailing School. Their foundation centers on helping to educate the young and Tim and I are sure this book is going to go a long way toward that, at least in the marine field.
You see as a longtime educator in the areas of marine mechanics and electrics, one of my biggest frustrations has always been that there was no text book available to assist teachers in their work. To be truthful, that simple fact is one of the things that got me into writing books in the first place. My first book, Outboard Engines, was wriiten to fill a need for some sort of easy to understand guide to outboard engine maintenance and repair. At the time I was teaching a class in outboard engine repair at New England Institute of Technology. Of course I’ve written more books since then and one of the common themes with all of my texts has been to try and take what on the surface are pretty complex topics and make then understandable to a large audience. Tim always helped me in that in his role as the executive editor of Cruising World Magazine. Over the years he and I have worked on quite a few editorial projects together. In fact we’re pretty much at the point now where I swear we can read each other’s mind when it comes to how we will present information on a marine technical topic. This new book is a great example of that.
Although conceived as a text book for high school and post-secondary marine trades training programs, it has been pointed out to me that this book is going to really help anyone that may be new to boating. At 318 pages and 14 chapters covering everything from boat handling to how engines work and why they sometimes don’t as well as shop safety and customer service we have covered a lot of ground. The book is heavily illustrated by another old friend from our Cruising World days, Joe Comeau, a master of making the complex understandable by all.
We’ve taken the book to a new level I think by employing some of the latest in technology. Each chapter has a QR code that when scanned by a smart phone or tablet with QR scanning software installed will bring you to a library at the ABYC website (we’re still setting this up at ABYC as of this writing) that will contain a large assortment of demonstration videos showing how one might go about performing some of the tasks described in the text. This library is in its infancy right now but will grow over time to become quite comprehensive.
This new book is only available through the ABYC and is selling for $139 plus S & H in a nice full color hardbound edition for ABYC members and $169 plus S & H for non-members. Or, for those of you that are more digitally inclined, the full color digital edition is also available in PDF format for $89 for members and $129 for non-members. So check it out folks. Contact ABYC @ 410-990-4460 or go to their website at: and order your copy today.