Courtesy of the Manufacturer| |Henri Lloyd Blue Eco foul-weather gear|
The Blue Eco foul-weather gear from Henri Lloyd is lightweight, soft, and durable, and like all other similar gear, the jacket and bibs are designed to be waterproof, breathable, and to stand up to the rigors of severe weather. What sets Blue Eco gear apart from other foul-weather gear is that it’s also environmentally friendly. How can clothing be green? Well, after your Blue Eco gear has weathered its last storm, you can return it to Henri Lloyd. Returned garments get processed through Henri Lloyd’s Blue Eco closed-loop recycling system. This converts the old garments into new polyester raw materials. The recycled raw material is then transformed into new polyester fibers and woven into fabric that’s used to manufacture a new Blue Eco product. They call the process “fiber-to-fiber recycling,” and the resulting clothing is reportedly equal in quality to those made from not-so-eco-friendly virgin petroleum-based cloths.
$250 (jacket), $175 (bib); (800) 753-9956, www.henrilloydusa.com

Courtesy of the Manufacturer| |Double Ended Monkey’s Fist Bracelet|
Bracelet Bling
Back in the day-1888, actually-sailors started weaving monkey’s fist knots, says the jewelry maker AGA Correa, as a way to tie a weight to the end of a messenger line. It was normally tied around a small ball of stone, iron, lead, marble, or glass, but it’s probably safe to say that gold wasn’t used until the inherent beauty of the knot found its way into jewelry designs. So if you’re looking for a gift for that special someone, and a couple of gallons of bottom paint just won’t do the trick, you can’t go wrong with AGA Correa’s new Double Ended Monkey’s Fist Bracelet. It’s hand woven, available in 14- or 18-karat gold, and definitely isn’t bottom paint.
Starting at $1,250, (800) 341-0788, www.agacorrea.com

Courtesy of the Manufacturer| |SailorBags|
Sail Bags
There’s something about sailcloth that lends itself to other uses, and the folks who make SailorBags couldn’t agree more. Each of the company’s bags is made from custom-woven sailcloth. The bags, whose simple design and functionality should appeal to every practical sailor, are available in several styles and sizes to hold everything from navigator’s tools to a weekend’s worth of food to clothing and rain gear. The fabric is gentle on boat finishes but tough enough to be tossed and stowed. Bottom line: They’re functionally fashionable, carry way more stuff, and come with a lifetime guarantee. And over the course of a hot New England summer, one CW editor discovered that the soft-sided cooler bag is, well, cool.
Starting at about $20, (800) 639-1754, www.sailorbags.com

Courtesy of the Manufacturer| |DryCASE|
No! Doh!
Have you ever ruined an electronic gadget when it slipped overboard? Well, you might be a candidate for a DryCASE, a clear, flexible, waterproof bag that permits the complete use of your phone or camera while keeping it dry and clean. The DryCASE comes with a cute little hand pump that makes it easy to suck out all the air in the bag and form a vacuum seal that keeps the contents dry, even when submerged. The DryCASE also comes with an “extreme-activity arm band” for water sports, and the DryCASE’s plastic is clear enough for you to take pictures through it.
$35, (888) 600-0379, www.drycase.com