Have you ever wondered why tiny rust spots appear on your deck? Chances are it’s because you’ve been using traditional carbon steel tools, which shed small particles of steel with each use. These abraded particles rust as soon as they get wet, leaving those little spots on deck.
A company called Steritool, which makes stainless steel tools for industrial applications, has a solution for this nuisance. The fact that company president Stephen Rountree is an offshore sailor lends him some credibility when he tells me his tools are ideal for the marine environment.
With the arrival of spring, those of us dwelling in the higher latitudes are starting to thaw out and think about tackling long delayed boat projects (except for my colleague Mark, who gets his repairs done early living on his Sabre year-round). I start most of my projects with a pry bar. Steritool makes three sizes of pry bars from 13.5- to 18-inches long ($94 – $147), all of which are stainless steel with no paint or plating to flake off. Think of all the projects waiting for you once you’re finished with the pry bar. Steritool makes tools for those tasks, too.