Cruisers Universtiy
Cruisers University is back this year at the Annapolis Spring Boat Show! Of the millions who dream of cruising off into the sunset, only a relatively small percentage actually do it. The difference is often a matter of confidence, a healthy byproduct of knowledge.
United States Yacht Shows, Inc., producer of the renowned United States Sail and Powerboat Shows, is repeating our event for aspiring, as well as experienced, cruisers: The second annual Cruisers University, to be held April 26 – 29, 2012 in Annapolis, Maryland. Billed as “The Ultimate Aid To Navigation,” the program will provide expert instruction in a wide range of subjects pertinent to long-range cruising. Classes range from general cruising topics, such as Crossing the Gulf Stream, Proper Provisioning, and Cruising with Children, to master certification courses in Diesel Maintenance, Modern Navigation: Tools & Techniques, and Electrical Systems Design.
All classes will be taught by subject-matter experts from respected institutions, such as the Annapolis School of Seamanship, while the opportunity to meet other participants who share the cruising dream is a significant bonus. One of the most unique aspects of Cruisers University is its interactivity, including a large in-water display of sailboats, outfitted with live-aboard cruising in mind. Participants will not only attend classes, they can become involved with learning through demonstrations of equipment and systems, as well as by taking selected boats out for sea trials during the extended weekend.
The event’s structure allows participants to choose from three programs, with tuitions ranging from $590 for the four-day Masters Certification Program to $190 for the One-Day Educational Package. The number of courses and inclusions vary at each level. Breakfast and lunch packages, as well as special hotel and marina rates, are available for Cruisers University participants.
Cruising World senior editor Herb McCormick will be discussing his voyage around the Americas, editor-at-large Gary Jobson will share his lessons learned from family cruising in Maine and Nova Scotia and expeditions to Antarctica and Cape Horn, and contributing editor and systems-guru Ed Sherman will be presenting electronics information.
The 4 Top Things that can Impact Your Electronic Equipment’s Performance
During this session Ed Sherman will explain what the top four things that can impact the ability of your marine electronics equipment to perform at its peak are. The session won’t stop there though – he will show you how to check to see if your boat has any of the issues that will be presented and explain how to correct these common problems.
New Age Battery Technology
ABYC’s Ed Sherman will decode the mysteries around the ever-changing New Age Battery Technology. Following up on his three part series in Cruising World, Ed will have answers for the following questions: What does your boat have to gain? What are the costs? What needs to be modified on my existing boat? What about weight? Can I do it myself or do I need to hire a professional?
Instructor: Ed Sherman
Ed Sherman is a technical author, lifelong sailor, and director of the American Boat and Yacht Council’s education program, where he’s helped develop the marine industry’s most highly regarded certifications for marine surveyors, service technicians, and boatbuilders.
One Island, One Ocean
On May 31, 2009, Herb McCormick and a committed team of sailors, scientists, teachers and conservationists joined forces on a voyage that was vast in scope and ambition but launched under the simplest of ideas, to circumnavigate North and South America. The continents of North and South America are a single island, surrounded by a shared ocean, and with a common set of challenges, communities, issues, and solutions. To put it in the simplest terms, we creatures of
the land are utterly dependent on the sea around us, and we’d better take care of it, or it won’t take care of us. Herb will tell the story of that amazing adventure and share photos and insights, while sounding a call to action for everyone who loves this planet.
Instructor: Herb McCormick
Herb McCormick is a native of Newport, Rhode Island, and a graduate of Williams College. He is the former editor of Cruising World magazine and has also been the sailing correspondent and a sports writer for the New York Times. A veteran ocean racer, he has competed in the Newport to Bermuda, Pacific Cup, Transpac, and Sydney to Hobart races, and has cruised and raced from Alaska to Antarctica. He was one of four full-time crew members on the Around the Americas expedition via the Northwest Passage and Cape Horn, which is the subject of his latest book, One Island, One Ocean.
Gary Jobson’s 4 A’s of Cruising: Annapolis, Arctic, Antarctic, Acadia
Gary Jobson is well known for his racing accomplishments and presentations. At Cruisers University he will focus on his cruising experiences from Annapolis to the Arctic, and the Antarctic to Acadia in Maine. Gary Jobson has cruised extensively with one expedition to 80 degrees north. He also led an expedition rounding Cape Horn and two expeditions to Antarctica. He has taken 17 cruises to Maine/Nova Scotia each with a 2-4 week duration.
Gary will share breathtaking video footage, and add lessons learned from his ambitious expeditions and cruising with the family.
Instructor: Gary Jobson
Gary Jobson is a world class sailor, television commentator and author based in Annapolis,
Maryland. He is President of US SAILING, the National Governing Body of Sailing. Gary has authored 17 sailing books and is editor-at-large of Sailing World and Cruising World magazines.
Jobson has been ESPN’s sailing commentator since 1985. He won an A.C.E. (Award for Cable Excellence) for the 1987 America’s Cup. Jobson won an Emmy for his production of sailing at the 1988 Olympic Games in South Korea and another for the 2006 Volvo Ocean Race on PBS. He has covered the Olympics five times for NBC and has won four Southam Awards and one Telly Award. Jobson has won many championships in one design classes, the America’s Cup with Ted Turner, the infamous Fastnet Race and many of the world’s ocean races. In October 2003 Gary was inducted into the America’s Cup Hall of Fame by the Herreshoff Marine Museum. In 1999 Jobson won the Nathanael G. Herreshoff Trophy, US SAILING’s most prestigious award. Gary has been the National Chairman of The Leukemia Cup Regatta, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s sailing program, since 1994. Over the past 35 years Gary has given over 2,000 lectures throughout the world.