CW February 2012
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From Zero to a Hundred by Elaine Lembo
Here’s how a couple on the verge of retirement went from planning a new home in Mexico to sailing their brand-new Antares 44i catamaran north from Argentina and into a new life of high-seas adventure
The National Parks of the U.S. East Coast
by Wendy Mitman Clarke
Hopscotching down America’s Atlantic coastline by way of the national parks and seashores is a delightful approach to ticking off the miles south
Hard Lessons Learned in the North Atlantic by Jen Brett
Special Report: High winds and seas and a late-season tropical storm wreaked havoc on the Bermuda-bound NARC fleet in early November 2011. The result? Broken gear, bruised egos, and a sailor lost at sea
On Watch by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
Shoreline edited by Elaine Lembo
Off Watch by Wendy Mitman Clarke
Sailing Life:
Point of View by Teresa Carey
People & Food by Jan Irons
Hands-On Sailor:
Installing Lazy Jacks by Green Brett
Projects: This non-intrusive system can be quickly deployed, adjusted with one hand, and put safely away when not in use
Replacing Batteries? Do Your Homework First by Ed Sherman
Systems: Part I of a three-part series examines the benefits and the challenges of new battery technology
Service Your Winches by Steve D’Antonio
Monthly Maintenance: Diligent preventive maintenance can keep these workhorses delivering years of onboard assistance
My Ship’s Log by Linda Evans
Living Aboard: This sailor’s detailed journal goes way beyond the quotidian fare of engine hours and cloud cover
Check Out the New Electronics by Tony Bessinger
Gear: Sailors can use industry awards as waypoints to the technological advances on display at this season’s boat shows
Dufour Grand’ Large 445 by Mark Pillsbury
Boat Review: Here’s a lively platform for the sailor who wants to turn heads at the dock and make a good day’s run
Catalina 385 by Alvah Simon
Boat Review: Renowned designer Gerry Douglas returns to balanced proportions and traditional styling in this midsize
family cruising sloop
New Products by Herb McCormick
Offerings include an external thruster, eco-friendly anchors, a griddle for a grillmeister, and more
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