John Rousmaniere 368
John Rousmaniere gives well-illustrated, informative, and entertaining talks on sailing and its colorful, lively history. He also runs workshops and seminars on safety at sea. John’s sailed more than 40,000 miles, cruising and racing. He wrote Fastnet, Force 10 (about the killer storm he survived), The Annapolis Book of Seamanship, After the Storm, and histories of the Bermuda Race, the classic yawl Bolero, and several yacht clubs. He’s spoken at or moderated more than 100 safety or seamanship seminars in all parts of the country. An audience member commented after one of his talks: “I really learned a lot at John’s presentation last evening, and wanted to let you know that I am not the only one. In the elevator on the way down, someone said, ‘Wow, that was a great presentation.’ Someone replied, ‘Yes, not only wonderfully organized content, but he is a fabulous speaker.'” Another reaction after a safety seminar: “Your course is a must for any sailing organization.”
Availability and fees
Contact John
3111 Broadway, Apt. 3A
New York, NY 10027
(646) 573-2024
John’s on Facebook