Where to put an extra three feet of length? In the Bavaria 34 Cruiser, the designers have given the galley, head, and forward cabin a little more elbow room than in the 31. Otherwise the elegant and practical layout follows the same rules of function and simplicity.
Similarly on deck, the cockpit gains a little length while retaining its proportions and features. The jib sheet tracks are tucked against the coachroof sides, suggesting tight sheeting angles for upwind work.
Another hint of performance: The deck plan has a demountable sprit for poking the tack of an asymmetrical kite well forward of the stem.
Bavaria 34 Cruiser Specs
LOA: 35′ 2″
LWL: 30′ 3″
Beam: 11′ 10″
Draft: 6′ 4″/5′ 1″
Displacement: 12,540
Bavaria Yachts