Several years ago, I landed one of my favorite projects ever, a biography of Lin and Larry Pardey called As Long As It’s Fun. I’m very excited to now be working on another bio with another famous sailing couple, Steve and Doris Colgate, on a book to be titled For the Love of Sailing. The Colgates are well known in the marine industry as the founders and proprietors of the famous Offshore Sailing School, which has taught 150,000 students to sail. But Steve, now in the National Sailing Hall of Fame, also had an incredible racing career, with multiple transatlantic races, the Olympics, the America’s Cup, and serving as the principal driver for the maxi-yacht Nirvana in its record-setting heyday.
In conjunction with our book project, Steve and Doris have started producing video chats from their home in South Fort Myers, Fla. They hope these stories of their many sailing adventures, over the past 56 years, provide some entertainment and inspiration as we weather this COVID-19 crisis together. New episodes premiere will appear on the company’s Facebook page every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next several weeks: www.facebook.com/offshoresailingschool. Check out these #docksidechatswithsteve …. some very cool and interesting remembrances from one of the true legends of our sport.