Maybe you’re lucky enough to live in a place where you can sail year-round. For the rest of us, there comes a day each fall when we say goodbye to sailing for a few months. In my experience, the day spent packing up the boat and writing winter to-do lists is always accompanied by blue skies and a brisk breeze– the kind of conditions that make you wish you’d gone out for one last sail before calling it a season.
Cambriaman’s November photo contest submission, “Web 3,” perfectly conveys that wistful mood that arrives at northern marinas in the fall. In the photo, masts reflect off of the placid waters inside the Blackhawk Marina in Bayfield, Wisconsin. Cambriaman seems to have used some type of processing effect to give the photo a surreal feel. The judges like surreal, so we awarded “Web 3” first prize in the contest.
Thanks to everyone who submitted photos. This month’s judges were managing editor Elaine Lembo, online producer Pete Matchett, web editor Michael Lovett, and professional photographer Marianne Lee.
(Click each image to view at full size)
First Place

Contributor: Cambriaman
Title: “Web 3”
Cambriaman’s Description: “This photo was taken at the end of the season at Blackhawk Marina in Bayfield, Wisconsin.”
Judge’s Comments:
“I like the deep and bright contrast in sky, water, and foliage.”-Elaine Lembo
“I’m from Michigan, so this photo is a nice reminder of home– those good old Midwestern winter clouds. Brrrr…”-Marianne Lee
Second Place

Contributor: Elina Yeager
Title: “Corinth Canal”
Elina Yeager’s Description: “We made it to the Corinth Canal after an overnight anchorage at the ancient Greek site of Sounian to find we were the only boat for transit.”
Judge’s Comments:
“Interesting terrain, reminds me of Middle Earth…a little bit. Maybe I’ll Photoshop in some ancient mountain carvings instead of working today.” -Pete Matchett
“I remember studying the Isthmus of Corinth in the fifth grade. Did you know long before they dug the Corinth Canal, the Greeks used to roll boats across the land bridge using a huge ramp? That sounds like a lot of work just to go on a leisurely cruise.” -Michael Lovett
Third Place

Contributor: saltysailor07
Title: “Single handing San Andres-Boca del Toro on Autopilot”
saltysailor07’s Description: “Thank God for my autopilot, Johnny Ace.”
Judge’s Comments: “Hunter S. Thompson is alive and well and out sailing the world!” -Pete Matchett
“I think saltysailor07’s devil-may-care attitude comes through in this photo.” -Michael Lovett
To view all entries to the November photo contest, click here
To enter CW‘s Holiday Photo Contest, click here.