The Salty Dawg Rally is hosting a new rally, from the Southern Chesapeake to Newport and Maine. The Rally to Maine departs Indian Creek Yacht & Country Club in Virginia July 11th, and arrives in Maine for some great “downeast” cruising July 18th or shortly after, depending on weather and boat speeds. The rally is open to all boats wishing to make his passage, with the usual solid rally preparation assistance, excellent weather services, offshore coordination, and camaraderie and fun events the Salty Dawg Rallies are known for. Vessels may join the rally in Newport/Jamestown.
The Rally to Maine will be led by experienced offshore sailors Hank & Seale George, with great pre-departure events, exciting stops in Jamestown, RI (near Newport) and Mattapoisett Harbor, transit through the Cape Cod Canal, and landfall in Rockland, Maine. A special arrival reception is planned in Rockland to celebrate the fleet’s completion of its passage. From there cruisers can visit the iconic villages of the area, and explore the numerous attractive anchorages, parks and isles of coastal Maine.
The rally will provide recommended short and longer cruises of the area to select from, based on the many summers rally organizers have spent in downeast Maine, and enhanced by input from locals.
This rally is a great way to gain offshore experience, as well as to sail with a fun group of sailors. Extensive benefits are offered prior to departure, along the way during the rally, and once vessels arrive in Rockland, all for a nominal entry charge. Visit the event website at www.saltydawgrally.org for more details on the Salty Dawg Rally to Maine.