Cruising World editors and contributing writers brought home a boatload of awards from the Boating Writers International’s annual meeting, where the winners of the 2007 writing contest were announced. Now in its 15th year, the contest attracted more than 500 entries, with winners chosen in 16 categories. Awards were announced during the Miami International Boat Show in February.
CW writers took four first places, three seconds, and earned six certificates of merit.
Winning entries and their categories included Technical Writing: “Final Exam” by Tom Linskey (July 2007); Boat Tests: “Rocket Takes Flight,” by Stacey Collins (April 2007); Boating Travel or Destinations: “Arriving from the West” by CW Contributing Editor Jim Carrier (November 2007); and Gear, Electronics and Product Test: “With Radar, the More Power the Better” by Ed Sherman (October 2007).
Three second place awards in the following categories went to Electronics: “AIS Delivers News You Can Use” by CW Electronics Editor Tony Bessinger (May 2007); Boating Lifestyles: “The Year of Momentous Decisions” by Tania Aebi (December 2007); and Boating Profiles: “The Guru and His Gospel” by CW Editor at Large Cap’n Fatty Goodlander (January 2007).
Certificates of merit were awarded to CW writers in the following categories, Seamanship Rescue & Safety: “Communications Are Critical for Rescue” by Nick Barran (November 2007); Boat Tests: “A Thoroughbred Born for the Hunt” by CW Senior Editor Mark Pillsbury (August 2007); Boating Columns: “Log of Ithaka” by Douglas Bernon; and Boating Travel or Destinations: “On the Prowl on the Polar Front” by CW Editor at Large Angus Phillips (April 2007); “A Sailor’s Island” by Beth Leonard (April 2007); and “Treasures of the Spanish Main” by Stacey Collins (January 2007).