
Your Guide to Safety at Sea

This November, shift your focus to safety at sea. Here are five stories from our archives that will help you keep trouble at bay.

›› **Rescue Me** by Bill Springer
Pyrotechnic and non-pyrotechnic signal aids are critical to help rescuers pinpoint your boat’s exact location in an emergency.

(above) Emergency training with the Coast Guard on Narragansett Bay.

›› **The High Cost of Safety** by Ron Naranjo
Even though your safety gear can save the day, avoiding disaster is the best option.


_(left) EPIRB units should be thoroughly inspected each month.

_›› **View from the Other End of the Towline and Hoist Cable** by Kip Louttit
What should you do if the Coast Guard has to come to the rescue? Coast Guard Captain Kip Louttit helped answer this question during CW’s seminar at the U.S. Sailboat Show.__

›› **Be Prepared** by Ed Stott
Whether you’re getting ready to race to Bermuda or equipping your boat for a cruise to the Caribbean, the key ingredient to a successful passage is proper planning and preparation.



(above) Must-Have Safety Gear: ditch bag, flares, handheld GPS, EPIRB, bolt cutters, lee cloths, medicine, spares, ship’s book, placards

›› Check out our Safety at Sea video channel for useful information about life rafts.


›› **Be Ready to Fight a Fire** by Ed Sherman
A properly equipped and maintained suppression system can prevent an engine-room blaze from destroying your boat.

(above) A fire-suppression system in the engine room of a Passport 51 consists of a fixed-mounted single canister, located near the top of the space, with one discharge nozzle and a gauge showing its charge state. Standards require a fixed-mounted automatic fire-suppression system to also have a manual override.
