Canal Beagle sojourn, Bermuda, good books, People and Food
edited by Elaine Lembo
A Return to Sheltered Waters
Letter from Aventura by Jimmy Cornell
Whether you seek the high life or the lazy life, Spain’s Balearic Islands have it all
An Impossible Fantasy
Point of View by Margaret Payne
Infatuation led to a fling, the fling led to commitment, and so began a fated boat ownership
An Alaskan School of Hard Knocks
Under Way by Mike Litzow
An Alaskan passage puts the new owners of a Crealock 37 on the fast track to ocean sailing
Passage Notes by Andrew Burton
Cats and owners get a little closer at a school run by PDQ Yachts
The Music of Couplings
Log of Ithaka by Douglas Bernon
The Battle of the Sexes can play to any tune, but remember– it’s all in your head
Treasures of the Spanish Main
Some anniversary couples want silverware, but the crew of a Mariner 39 spent their special day sailing Venezuela’s offshore islands
by Stacey Collins
The Guru and His Gospel
James Edward Goodlander was sure and self-confident, and with those gifts took this family to sea
by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
The Happiest Day?
An owner giving away his boat is more prepared for the joy he feels than the sadness that creeps in
by Ben Zartman
2007 Blue-Ribbon Boats
Why these six are the winners of the 14th annual Boat of the Year contest
by Mark Pillsbury
The 2007 Cruising World Sailboat Show
A fleet of professionals presents reviews of the new models
by the Editors
(For a complete list of all boats in the show– plus links to photo galleries– click here)
Big Fixings From a Tiny Galley
Refit by Steven Padilla
The recipe for a rebuild of a Catalina 25 is served
Are You Ready for Your Close-Up?
Living Aboard by Rick Allender
These tips will help you take your camcorder cruising
A New Home for the Laptop
Projects by Meryle Thomson
The nav table does double duty
Powerful Bonds
Monthly Maintenance by Steve D’Antonio
An ode to the humble motor mount, connector of power plant and hull
Editor’s Log
Chartering News
Advertiser Index