The Offshore Sailing School has just announced a new cruising course for couples at its Fort Myers, Florida, location. The “Private Cruising Course for Two” takes place aboard a new Hunter 41 and is available as a liveaboard cruising course or as a shore-based bareboat-cruising prep course.
Skills to be covered include handling a larger cruising boat alone and with a partner, docking, anchoring, mooring, MOB exercises, navigation with charts and GPS, and a thorough tutorial of all electrical and mechanical systems.
After completing the one-week course, couples will receive Colgate Sailing Certification and U.S. Sailing Basic and Bareboat Cruising Certification. Couples who choose the bareboat-cruising prep stay ashore seven nights at the Pink Shell Beach Resort & Spa; couples who choose the liveaboard cruising schedule spend two nights at the hotel before embarking on their cruising adventure.
Prerequisites for the Private Cruising Course for Two are the skills and techniques taught in Offshore Sailing School’s Learn to Sail course. Another option for strictly beginners is the Fast Track to Cruising course, which combines the Learn to Sail course with the new cruising course in a 10-day learning vacation.
For more information on Offshore Sailing School, including its various locations, visit www.offshoresailing.com