NWSA- charts
Whether you’re thinking about learning how to sail a dinghy or planning your first extended cruise aboard, the National Women’s Sailing Association’s 12th conference on June 1st in Marblehead, Massachusetts, can help. This year an experienced panel of women sailors will share hard-won insights and answer audience questions on safely extending your range by acquiring the necessary skills, experience, and confidence to reach your next sailing goal. Ask women who have been in your shoes the tough questions you have not been able to ask anyone else. Acquire some new skills in two back-to-back, 50-minute hands-on sessions covering topics ranging from knot work to weather forecasting. Meet and share with other women who love sailing and want to challenge themselves by trying something new.
Beth Leonard, sailing author, two-time circumnavigator, and Director of Technical Services for BoatU.S., will moderate the panel of three sailing women with a diversity of experiences. Captain Nancy Erley, two-time circumnavigator and sailing instructor has shared her love of boats and sailing with other women, as teacher, advocate and international public speaker for nearly 50 years. Captain Sharon Renk-Greenlaw has taught women how to sail in her home waters of Casco Bay for 17 years and has made five voyages to the Caribbean with her husband, Larry. Betsy Morris and her husband, Monty, cruised for five years in the Caribbean, and Betsy writes for SAIL, Points East, Southwinds, and others.
For more information and to register, go to: http://www.womensailing.org/index.php/120-12-womens-sailing-conference
For a registration form, go to: http://www.womensailing.org/12th_Conf_Registration.pdf
Read about CW associate editor Jen Brett’s experience at the 2011 conference.
Check out a photo gallery of previous conferences!