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A Swift and Graceful Gazelle
Yacht Style: On a light-air day with all sails set, a Gunboat catamaran brings to mind the singular sensation of flight
by Herb McCormick
Patagonian Shakedown
A yacht designer heads for the high latitudes to put a new boat through her paces in the spectacular Chilean channels
by Chris White
Different by Designs
CW‘s editor, strolling the docks at Strictly Sail Miami, notices how distinctive design elements individualize a catamaran’s performance and comfort
by Mark Pillsbury
Meet the Boss
Carol Hasse of Port Townsend Sails expands her interests well beyond her loft by stitching together the fabrics of this Pacific Northwest sailing community
by Alvah Simon
On Watch by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
Shoreline edited by Elaine Lembo
Off Watch by Wendy Mitman Clarke****
Sailing Life:
Point of View by Jim Carrier
Under Way by Neil Blavin
People & Food by Anne Mott
Hands-On Sailor:
Fixing a Sneaky Leak
Projects: Locating the leak—on the sloop’s centerboard trunk—was nearly as difficult as the repair itself
by Scott Bannerot
Sheer Madness
Living Aboard: A sailor pulls his mast for the winter using sheer legs and a Sawzall?
by Ben Zartman
After the Mayday
Seamanship: This is what happens when you grab the VHF and call for help
by Heather Mann
Headsail Size Matters
Sailhandling: Experience has led this circumnavigator to favor smaller foresails
by Webb Chiles
Shedding New Light
Projects: White L.E.D.s behind frosted acrylic panels can bathe a saloon in soft, warm, enveloping light
by Gene Smith
Get to Know Your Multimeter
Monthly Maintenance: Because it can measure voltage, this digital device is useful for troubleshooting electrical problems
by Steve D’Antonio
The Eyes Have It
Gear Roundup: A salty optometrist weighs in on choosing sunglasses
by Elaine Lembo
Allures 45: Heavy Mettle
Boat Review: This aluminum centerboarder offers safety, comfort, and performance
by Jimmy Cornell
Outremer 49: Freedom Flies
Boat Review: A robust French multihull is a true sailor’s performance cruiser
by Alvah Simon
Nexus 600: Vehicle for Adventure
Boat Review: This South African cat will help you get away and stay away
by Alvah Simon
Ericson’s Lofty Left-Coast Lineage
Classic Plastic: The Ericson 32-3 is stylish and sound
by Richard Smith
Editor’s Log
Community Spotlight
Chartering News
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