Maine Escape
Maine boat yards and affiliated marine groups are producing a series of yachting events this August. The series of regattas, rendezvous, boat shows and receptions is collectively called the Maine Escape. These events are designed to cater to the international yachting community in order to encourage more boats to sail in the renowned waters off the Maine Coast.
The Maine Escape offers events for yacht owners, their crews and their boats across the coast of Maine consistently during the first three weeks of August. It’s an ideal stopover for yachts that cruise and race in New England in summertime. The series begins with Eggemoggin Reach Regatta on August 4 and its two feeder events, the Castine Classic Yacht Race and the Camden Classic Yacht Race, August 2 and 3 respectively. During the week following there are two receptions hosted by Maine yacht yards Front Street Shipyard and Rockport Marine. The weekend of August 10-12, racers are invited to join the Shipyard Cup out of Boothbay, and landlubbers can opt for the Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show in Rockland. August 13 and 14 are Open Boat Yard Days, during which dozens of yacht yards open their doors to the general public for tours and receptions. Finally, the Maine Escape ends with the Penobscot Bay Rendezvous for power and sailboats, August 16-19, and the MS Regatta in Casco Bay on August 18.
The Maine Escape will keep the yachting community busy on the water in Maine for several weeks. Boat owners and captains can choose the events in which they participate. Large yachts are accommodated on docks and moorings by some of the largest yards in Maine, including Brooklin Boat Yard, Front Street Shipyard, Hodgdon Yachts, Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding, Rockport Marine and Wayfarer Marine.
The Maine Escape was announced during the Antigua Classic Regatta at a Maine-sponsored party on Sunday, April 22. Details for all the Maine Escape events are available online at www.maine-escape.com.