/CW/ editor at large Herb McCormick will attempt to sail through the Northwest Passage aboard /Ocean Watch/.
One of our editors at large, Herb McCormick, made the TV news in Seattle recently as he and the crew of the steel hulled, 64-foot Ocean Watch prepared for their attempt to circumnavigate the Americas via the Northwest passage and Cape Horn. The plan is to head north from Seattle on May 31 with the goal of reaching Barrow, Alaska, in early July. If the ice has receded enough, they will then make the critical, 1000-mile passage from Barrow to Cambridge Bay, Canada. If they make it that far, they’ll be rushing to push on through the narrow straight between Prince of Wales Island and Somerset Island. This is by no means a slam dunk. The ice has receded more in recent years, but the possibility of getting trapped in the ice, hundreds of miles from civilization, is real. If Ocean Watch doesn’t make it through this summer, the boat will be forced to spend the winter. Look for regular updates in “Herb’s Watch.”
To watch the video report by Seattle’s King 5 news, click here.