Most cruisers sail short-handed; often there is only one crewmember on deck while the others nap or cook below. We all dread coming on deck and finding the watchkeeper missing. The LifeTag man overboard system from Raymarine ($685 with 2 pendants and Base Station) will help ease worried minds. Each LifeTag pendant broadcasts a unique identification code back to a base station telling it that its wearer is “safe.” In the event of man overboard, the link between the victim’s pendant and the LifeTag base station is broken and the alarm is raised automatically onboard the boat. The pendant is small and lightweight so it’s no bother to wear.
In an actual man overboard situation, the victim’s LifeTag signal is rapidly degraded by immersion in water, or as the distance between the victim and boat increases (typically 30 feet). The base station responds automatically, sounding an alarm onboard to roust other crewmembers. The LifeTag also integrates into Raymarine’s SeaTalk system so the chart plotter can show the boat’s position when the pendant was activated.
Each pendant is also fitted with a manual activation button enabling crewmembers to call for assistance in situations where an immediate response is needed. www.raymarine.com