Waterproof Expeditions and U-Boat Worx offer half and full-day excursions in the waters south of Italy around Malta, which contain stunning reefs and interesting wrecks.
The C-Explorer 3, manufactured by U-Boat Worx, can be transported to the charter boat via a support vessel, and can take passengers nearly two miles beneath the surface. The partnership also offers a pilot course.
Diving into the deep ocean is a fascinating dream for many of us. Inspired by Jules Vernes and Jacques Cousteau, this dream becomes reality with our Deep Ocean Submarine Experiences. Waterproof Expeditions and world’s leading manufacturer of personal submersibles U-Boat Worx, have teamed up to offer some exciting Submarine Pilot Courses to operate a U-Boat Worx submarine yourself.
These courses offer a fantastic opportunity to explore the depths of the clear azure seas around the beautiful Mediterranean island of Malta, with beautiful wrecks, from warships and airplanes to stunning artificial reefs.
After the U-Boat Worx training program you will be capable to operate a three-person U-Boat Worx submersible. Successfully completing the training program means that you may plan your own expedition on the last day of the course !
For details, contact the company at waterproof-expeditions.com.