
Mexico’s New York Times’ Blasts Mexico’s IRS

Update on the impounded yacht debacle in Mexico
“Mexican IRS makes a shipwreck of nautical tourism.” Latitude 38

We’re not sure why it took so long, but in the January 27 issue, Reforma, the much respected ‘New York Times of Mexico,’ took SAT/AGACE, the Mexican IRS, to task over the impounding of 338 foreign-owned boats, almost all of which remain impounded after two months.

The headline in the Mexico City newspaper roughly translates to “Mexican IRS makes a shipwreck of nautical tourism.” Similar articles appeared in El Norte, the most influential newspaper in Monterrey, the business capital of Mexico, and a number of other important state and local newspapers in Mexico. They additionally reported that SAT officials were scaring foreign boat owners over a $50 permit. It actually wasn’t over not having a permit, as almost all boats did, but they sure were scaring boat owners, no matter if they had a permit or not.

“This is probably the knockout blow [to the SAT program],” said one marina official. After all, everybody in Mexico knows that tourism and foreign investment are lifebloods of the Mexican economy.
